Settimana del Baratto Trentino Alto Adige Province of Trento Palù del Fersina

Settimana del Baratto in PALÙ DEL FERSINA

We did not find properties in PALÙ DEL FERSINA
We selected those nearby
2 properties in the surroundings of Palù del Fersina
Bed & Breakfast

B&B Asenada

PERGINE VALSUGANA (TN) far 13 Km from Palù del Fersina
Cell: 328 1729343
Wishes: Vacanze e Viaggi
Barter accepted all year round 
Bed & Breakfast

B&B Sofia

TRENTO (TN) far 19 Km from Palù del Fersina
Cell: 339 5939451
Wishes: Foto e Video

Bartering near to

Location of interest

Nearby towns