Settimana del Baratto Latium Province of Latina Gaeta

Settimana del Baratto in GAETA

1 Property in Gaeta - 2 in the surroundings (25 km)
Bed & Breakfast

AlbaChiara B&B

Serapo, GAETA (LT) zona mare
Cell: 328 8954054 | Cell: 349 8089697
properties in the surroundings of Gaeta
Bed & Breakfast

Le Stipe di Sopra

FONDI (LT) far 19 Km from Gaeta
Tel. 329 9092522 | Cell: 331 8355631
Bed & Breakfast

Emme House B&B

ESPERIA (FR) far 23 Km from Gaeta
Tel. 0776 909505 | Tel. 0776 909404 | Cell: 339 4001949
Barter accepted all year round 


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